Get a FREE key by improving our translation
Want a FREE, 1-year license key? Because we’d love to give you one! All you have to do is report an incorrect translation in Driver Easy, and the license is yours (valid for 1 year on 1 computer).
Please note that we’re not currently planning to translate Driver Easy into any additional languages. (It’s currently available in English, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Korean, Danish, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Czech and Chinese (Simplified))
Report an incorrect translation
If you spot any translation that needs improving, please feel free to leave a comment below, with the following information included:
- Description of the place where you found the error (e.g. Settings > System Restore > System Protection).
- The original (incorrect) translation
- The correct translation
If you need to attach a screenshot of the translation error, please send us an email at, along with the required information above.